Eco Committee
The Eco Committee works with students, parents, and the school community to inspire the next generation of environmental stewards by reconnecting students to nature and supporting projects that restore natural habitats and reduce the school's carbon footprint.

January 2023

April 2023
Brielle Elementary School
Native Pollinator Garden
Seeded Spring 2022
The PTO Eco Committee worked with Mr. Yee to start the school’s first Eco Enrichment Class in Spring 2022. Professor Will Heyniger of Kean University offered his time, tools, and environmental expertise.
Twelve students in grades 1-4 “got outside” and met afterschool once per week for six weeks with Mr. Yee to learn about native plants and pollinators. Students planted native wildflower seeds and transformed a section of schoolyard into a pollinator garden. A section of grass was also left as a “no mow zone.”
Members of the PTO Eco Committee watered and maintained the garden over the summer (critical in the first year to establish plant roots).
The Committee implemented measures to meet criteria and officially recognize the garden as a National Wildlife Federation (NWF) Certified Schoolyard Habitat site. It provides food (nectar), water (bird bath), cover (foliage), and places to raise young (butterfly house) to birds, butterflies, and other wildlife.
A second PTO Eco Enrichment Class was led by Mr. Yee in the Fall of 2022. Twelve students in grades 2-5 met once per week for six weeks. The class observed seasonal changes in the garden, measured rain fall, spotted butterflies, birds, and ladybugs, and harvested sunflower seeds. The class also planted mums in the courtyard that were purchased through the Brielle Booster Club fundraiser.
The winter garden may look “messy” but stems and seeds were left in place on purpose to provide food and shelter for insects, birds, and wildlife and to support new growth.
​Mr. Yee’s Spring 2023 Eco Enrichment Class waited until new flowers were coming up to clean-up last year’s spent blooms. Seed heads were sprinkled back into the garden and new native wildflower seeds were added to bare spots.