Mind, Body, Soul | Wed | Grades 3 - 6
Offered by Mrs. Eberling Grades: 3,4,5,6 Wednesday - September 25; October 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
M.B.S (mind, body & soul) During this enrichment course we will be exploring ways to nurture our mind, body, and souls! We will engage in activities such as puzzles, a stem challenge, escape room and journaling to foster our minds. We will discuss the importance of taking care of our bodies through movement (games, walking, yoga) and nutrition (finishing the course with a healthy snack) and finally our souls! We will incorporate self-care plans, gratitude games, and spread kindness with some random acts challenges! The course will be using an individualized approach at times as your child hones in on what works best for them and their lives to achieve the care they deserve to give themselves on a daily basis. We will also incorporate some group challenges and fun along the way!